Good Shepherd Parish continues to offer a free one-year membership to Formed, a Catholic on-line resource for you to enjoy. It has something for everyone. We want to give witness to the Risen Christ’s Presence in each person and to recommit ourselves to being disciples of Jesus Christ and to living our faith fully. Please take advantage of this opportunity!
Go to to create an account. On the blue navigation bar “click” on Find Your Parish Subscription, then search out the parish by name. We are listed as Good Shepherd Church, it gives a dropdown menu to choose from, we of course are 56 Franklin St., Vineyard Haven MA., “click” next. Create your account: enter your name and email. “click” sign up button. That’s it! You can start watching immediately, or use the sign-in button next time.
RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
An Invitation That Never Ends!
Have you been worshiping with us, but never officially taken the step to become Catholic?
Have you been away from the Church, and have now returned, but want to know more?
Have you been a Catholic all your life, but never celebrated all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)?
Have you joined us from a different background and would like to find out more about the Catholic Church?
If you (“or someone you know”) answers YES to any of these questions, you are invited to find out more through the process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It is a journey that begins with your questions. On behalf of the Catholic faith community of the Good Shepherd Parish, we look forward to welcoming you.
We are using the newly revised series Symbolon: The Faith of the Church. 16-episode series is available on and we have participant workbooks available at the parish office. Our RCIA team is Esther Deming, Sergio Racigh and Sue Pagliccia.
Unlock the profound beauty and depth of the Catholic faith by joining Taylor Kemp, Noelle Garcia, and Augustine Institute theologians on a transformative journey across America, delving into Catholicism’s rich history, core teachings, and spiritual practices. Guided by the Creed, it explores everything from the sacraments to inspiring saintly stories, empowering you to understand, live, and share your faith confidently. Designed to offer you and your parishioners a fuller understanding of the truths and beauty of the faith, this new series is ideal for your RCIA classes. Watch the trailer:
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 508-693-0342
Scripture Studies (on Zoom)
If anyone would like more information, please contact Fiona at http://Fiona at
Group is currently doing the following series from Little Rock Scripture Study – Liturgical Press:
Women in The Old Testament women in the old testament introduction master (1080p)
Learn the Catholic faith using the Catechism–2 ways, both free:

Flocknote’s Catechism in a Year group delivers a short, daily email M-F to your inbox that you can read in less than 5 minutes. Join today and learn more about your faith in an easy and manageable daily format. sign up at
More Home Studies
Learn More About The Bible
DVD’s for your spiritual and theological growth and development.
You may take these home for a week at a time. Pick up and sign out at the office.
Oremus – 8 hour sessions on Prayer
- Catching Fire, Becoming Flame – 6 one hour sessions on the spiritual journey as a process of transformation, Your Image of God, The Examen of St. Ignatius, 7 Principles of Prayer, God’s Will and Decision Making, Forgiveness.
- Lectio Divina – 16 hour sessions on various themes
- The Bible Time Line – 24 sessions on the Story of Salvation
- Letter of James – Jeff Cavins – 10 one hour sessions
- Psalms – Jeff Cavins – 10 one hour sessions
- Revelation – Jeff Cavins – 10 one hour sessions
- Acts of the Apostles – Jeff Cavins – 20 one hour sessions
- The Mass by Edward Sri – 4 sessions
- DVD’s on Moses, Joseph, Jacob, David, Abraham – one each
Women’s Bible Study (on hold-TBD)
Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith? Do you seek connection with other women in our parish community? Are you searching for something more in your life? We invite you to consider joining Walking with Purpose this fall at Good Shepherd Parish. Weekly group sessions are starting soon.
Opening Your Heart, the foundational study, is designed for women new to Walking with Purpose whether or not you have any Bible study experience; you are welcome as you are to learn how the Scriptures apply to our everyday lives. Walking with Purpose transforms the hearts and lives of women by providing Bible studies that enable women to know Christ through Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
For questions or to RSVP, contact Margaret Penicaud, 508-645-2710, or visit Walking with Purpose online at for more information.
Book Group – Wednesdays at 10:15 am – Parish Center (or via Zoom–seasonal). For more information contact Carol Shilakes at
Throughout the years we have offered retreats, guest speakers, parish missions, and prayer groups. For current offerings, check the Parish Bulletin, or follow us on Facebook at Good Shepherd Parish MV.