Book Group

Book Group is scheduled to meet Wednesday mornings from 10:15-11:15 am at the Parish Center, Oak Bluffs. They read and discuss contemporary Catholic books.

July 2024, the Book Group will be starting a new book: “Called on the Way: The Daily Practice of Discipleship”
Discipleship is not a program to be implemented or a goal to be achieved but a lifelong walk with Christ, who is the way. Our calling by Christ to be his disciples is so fundamental to our faith that we sometimes fail to realize its meaning. What does it mean to be called? What is a disciple?

The Book Group meets on Wednesdays at 10:15 at the Parish Center in Oak Bluffs.

You are welcome to join at anytime as the books are read and discussed at each gathering. We would love to have you!

For information contact Carol Shilakes at