Registration is closed for 2024-25. We are using the Chosen program again this year. Sessions will be offered weekly to be completed at home, with a Sunday monthly gathering at the parish center, 10:30 am-noon (schedule below). The best way to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation is to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and hear the Word of God at Mass each Sunday with family and community.
Registration will be under Faith Formation tab; nothing to print, just fill out and submit! You can stop by during regular office hours M-W & F 9:30 am – 4:00 pm also. Completed forms and payment are expected before sessions begin. Payment can be made via on line giving, checks are to be made out to: Good Shepherd Parish, or pay with cash. A new medical information/student release form & electronic release form have to be filled out each year, and please upload or bring a copy of the child’s sacrament certificates: if he/she wasn’t baptized here on Martha’s Vineyard, and/or First Communion, if celebrated off island.
2024-25 Registration fees: $100/child or $200/family maximum. Additional sacramental fee of $50 will be paid in the spring to cover the cost of additional expenses and robe rentals.
Contact the parish office 508-693-0342 for more information. Sue Pagliccia and Esther Teves are the faith formation leaders.
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Sunday Mass attendance is mandatory (sign-in book at main entrances beginning Sept 7/8) along with responses to 3 questions about the weekly Gospel and Father’s homily via website at https://goodshepherdmv.com/student-sunday-mass-questions/. We are in Year Three of the Eucharistic Revival calling all Catholics across the US, to be healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist—and sent out in mission “for the life of the world.” (See USCCB Eucharistic Revival begun in June, 2022.) If families are off island, the student is expected to bring a bulletin signed by the priest at the off-island Church with same 1/2 page responses. Students (ideally with his/her family) will be expected to come to the Sacrament of Confession at a minimum during Advent/Lent, Stations of the Cross at least once, spend time in Eucharistic Adoration and give some time in service to the parish and/or community. Video links and workbooks will be provided at our first session.
Confirmation is currently celebrated in ninth grade. The diocesan requirement is 2 years of preparation prior to receiving the Sacrament, which is typically in the spring of freshman year; otherwise Confirmation will be delayed until obligations are met. If a ninth grader or older is seeking the Sacrament, without completing faith formation in 8th grade, he/she will do the Symbolon series the first year, and Chosen in the following, 2nd year along with other above-listed expectations. In addition to completing the weekly videos/workbook and attending monthly gatherings. Date and Location for Sacrament of Confirmation TBD.
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Confirmation Prep: CHOSEN Schedule 2024-25 In-Person: 10:30 am-noon Parish Center or at St. A’s (as noted)
Sunday Date: Weekly Lessons
9/29/2024 Lesson 1: “Why am I here?” (An Introduction to Chosen)
10/ 6/2024 Lesson 2: “What makes me happy?” (Discovering God as the Source)
10/13/2024 Lesson 3: “What’s your story, God?” (A Look at Salvation History)
10/20/2024 Lesson 4: “How do I know God is real?” (Understanding Divine Revelation)
10/27/2024 Lesson 5: “Who is Jesus?” (The Person and Mission of Christ)
11/ 3/2024 Lesson 6: “Why be Catholic?” (Discovering the Church Jesus Founded)
11/10/2024 Lesson 7: “Where am I going?” (A Look at the Last Four Things)
11/17/2024 Lesson 8: “How do I get there?” (The Power and Purpose of the Sacraments) & test
11/24/2024 Lesson 9: “When did my journey begin?” (Baptism, Your Initiation into God’s Family)
12/ 1/2024 ADVENT begins Thanksgiving Break – no session
12/ 8/2024 Lesson 10: “Why tell my sins to a priest?” (The Healing Power of Confession)
12/15/2024 Lesson 11: “How does God help when it hurts?” (Anointing of the Sick and Redemptive Suffering)
12/17/2024 TUESDAY at St. A’s 6:00-7:00 pm for Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
12/22/2024 Lesson 12: “Who is the Holy Spirit?” (Meeting the Third Person of the Trinity)
12/29/2024 Christmas Break – no session
1/ 5/2025 Lesson 13: “What does the Holy Spirit do for me?” (Gifts for the Journey)
1/12/2025 Lesson 14: “Why have I been Chosen?” (Sealed and Sent in Confirmation)
1/19/2025 Lesson 15: “Why do I have to go to Mass?” (Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist)
1/26/2025 Lesson 16: “What does it mean to say, I do?” (Marriage, a Sign of God’s Love)
2/ 2/2025 at St. A’s Chapel 10:00-11:30 AM: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the Rosary, test
AND at home–Lesson 17: “Who’s calling?” (Holy Orders and Vocational Discernment)
2/ 9/2025 Lesson 18: “Are you talking to me?” (Getting to Know God Through Prayer)
2/16/2025 Lesson 19: “Who is Mary?” (Meeting the Mother of God–and Your Heavenly Family)
w/Safe Environment lesson on Modesty and Humility
2/23/2025 Winter Break – no session
3/ 2/2025 Lesson 20: “What would Jesus do?” (The Beatitudes as a Path to True Happiness)
3/ 9/2025 Lesson 21: “Do I have what it takes?” (Building Virtue–Your Spiritual Workout)
3/11/2025* at St. A’s 6-7 PM* — Stations of the Cross and Confession
3/16/2025 Lesson 22: “Why wait?” (God’s Plan for Love and Sex)
3/23/2025 Lesson 23: “How do I build the kingdom?” (Saying “Yes” to the Mission of Christ and His Church)
3/30/2025 at St. A’s 10:00-10:30 am practice the Rite and receive robes then to Parish Center 10:30am-noon for
Lesson 24: “Where do I go from here?” (The Journey Continues) and final test
4/6/2025 at St. A’s – 9:00 am Sunday Mass with Sacrament of Confirmation
Date for Sacrament of Confirmation: Sunday, April 6th, 9:00 am Mass w/Fr. Fedak
Lessons must be completed each week, both videos & workbooks.
Sunday Mass attendance is mandatory. Sign in at the main entrance at either St. Augustine’s or St. Elizabeth’s every week. Remember to fill out the 3 Questions form online, regarding that Mass, https://goodshepherdmv.com/student-sunday-mass-questions/ and submit to Ms. Sue by Tuesday of same week. If off-island, bring in a Church bulletin, signed by the priest there & answer the Q’s. Answer also if watched remotely, or missed.
Sacrament of Confession mandatory at least one time during both Advent and Lent. (regular times, or as scheduled)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, outside of Sunday Mass is mandatory, minimum of 2x as scheduled.
Stations of the Cross mandatory at least one time during Lent, as scheduled.
Community Service mandatory whether through our parish, or out in wider island community. 10-20 hours