June 2024 Fundraising Letter from our Pastor


                                                                     Diocese of Fall River

                                                                    Good Shepherd Parish

                                                                    PO Box 1058

                                                                   Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

                                                                   508 693-0342



                                                                                                                                   June 4, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As summer approaches, the parish prepares for its traditional offering on the 4th of July: lobster rolls on Main Street in Edgartown during the parade. This event, which brings our community together, is only possible with your help. Your generous donations will cover the costs of the lobster meat, rolls, water, and supplies, ensuring the success of this important event. Your support is invaluable.

I want to personally express my heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers for their selfless dedication, whether it’s their time, talent, or treasure. Many of you prefer to work behind the scenes, and I want you to know that your contributions are not unnoticed. Your commitment to the parish, your hard work, and your financial support are truly invaluable.

This year, our parish fundraising will be put toward two significant projects. St. Augustine’s Church needs three new flat roofs. After reviewing several bids, the cost is $66,000. Secondly, in St. Elizabeth’s Church, the corroded original steam pipes from the boiler, which burst this past winter and caused damage to the tiles, must be replaced. Removal of asbestos from all the plumbing basement pipes along with the asbestos tiles and removal of the pews will cost $63,000. This does not include cutting the floor and replacing the steam pipe or pipes, nor does it cover a new tile or carpet, which would be replaced on both sides of the church.

I wish you all a blessed and Holy Year. May the Risen Lord shine through you and give you joy, peace, and courage to live your faith throughout the year. Remember, He is with you always.

For your convenience, we have enclosed a self-addressed envelope. You may also choose to place your contribution in the Sunday collection basket, drop it off at the Parish Office or make your donation through our online giving platform on our website. We want to make the process as easy as possible so you can focus on the joy of giving and the impact of your support.

Yours devotedly in Christ,


Rev. Paul Fedak,
