PLEASE NOTE: All persons aged 18 and older must complete the “Essential Three” as outlined in the Diocesan Policy for the Protection of the Faithful in order to minister, work or volunteer in the Diocese of Fall River. Find all the training info and requirements to be met on our website SET Training and Documents and printed copies are also available within the food pantry, or at the main entrances to all 3 island Churches. If helping one-time only, you can fill out the One-Day Form provided by the supervisor, and give a copy of your driver’s license/ID. Volunteers are CORI’d annually. High School students aged 18 or younger will read and sign the Youth Code of Conduct, along with a parent or guardian. Contact Sue Pagliccia, CORI coordinator 508-693-0342 during our regular office hours.
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Altar Art/Environment
At various times throughout the Church year, dedicated volunteers tastefully decorate our worship space. Much of what we do is based on tradition and preference. Seasonal decorations should “draw people to the true nature of the mystery being celebrated rather than being ends in themselves.” They should also “enhance the primary liturgical points of focus,” that is, the altar, Tabernacle, and ambo. Living flowers and plants are preferred to artificial greenery. We see this beautifully done in our three church buildings and parish center chapel.
If interested contact Susie Wallo 508-693-2209.
Altar Servers
Origin of Altar Servers
- The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of Mass and liturgy. This is done through specific actions and duties assigned to them. We would like to foster the strong tradition of boys and young men serving at Mass, often beginning in primary school and continuing into secondary school.
- The ministry of service at the altar draws its history from the example of the disciples in preparing for times of breaking bread with Jesus. This is seen in the action of the disciples bringing loaves and fish to Jesus in order to feed the crowd of 5,000 people (John 6:8) and in preparing for the Last Supper with Jesus (Matthew 26:19).
If interested contact Sergio Racig 774-310-0028
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
What does an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist do?
• The Eucharistic Minister offers communion to other members of the community at Mass, or brings communion to those who are unable to attend Mass;
• The Eucharistic Minister assists the celebrant at Mass in sharing the sacred Body and Blood of Christ;
• The Eucharistic Minister acts on behalf of the community when s/he brings communion to the sick or housebound.
If interested contact Walter Burke for training: 508-693-0131, email: or join in our annual meeting held in November before the new liturgical year begins.
What does a Greeter do?
The Greeters provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere, especially for all of our first-time guests and members alike. As a parishioner’s first contact on arriving for Mass, greeters play a key role in the unfolding of the liturgical action of the Eucharist. Our goal is to make every person who comes through the church doors feel like a part of our parish family, by welcoming and supporting them in a positive, friendly, and spiritual manner. We want everyone who enters any of the Good Shepherd Parish churches to feel welcome and loved.
If a person is visiting the church for the first time, his impression of the people in the church might determine whether he/she would come back again. First impressions are important!
Greeters are a ministry of hospitality and they serve as an extension of the Priest. A Priest cannot personally greet each member of the congregation, but a Greeter can act in his place welcoming all those who come to share in the Mass. The Priest extends his personal expression of warmth by shaking hands after the Mass is over as we leave the church.
We provide a personal touch to make everybody feel welcome. A friendly smile and welcoming words greatly bless us all. We also distribute the parish bulletins.
If interested in this ministry, contact: Walter Burke for training: 508-693-0131, email:
What does an Usher do?
Ushers help people to their seats and assure the church is in order before and after each Mass. This group of volunteers takes up the collections at Mass, and facilitates those bringing forth the bread and wine.
Currently in our parish greeters/ushers are one ministry.
What does a Lector/Minister of the Word do?
• The reader proclaims, reads aloud the assigned reading for this day…so that all of the congregation might hear God’s word;
• The reader draws us into the message that is being given to us at this time. The lector acts as an instrument for God’s message and they are called to communicate this message to others.
If interested contact Walter Burke 508-693-0131, email: for training.